Batch | |
Venue | |
Date | 00 00 0000 - 00 00 0000 |
Certificate | Certificate of Attendance |
No | Name | Recruitment | Grade of Achievement |
1 | A.A.Gede Suastika | Attendance | |
2 | Agnes Natalia | Attendance | |
3 | Allan Jones B. | Attendance | |
4 | Andi Hendaryanto | Attendance | |
5 | Angelica Singgih | Attendance | |
6 | Asrul Adriansyah | Attendance | |
7 | Bagus Permana | Attendance | |
8 | Bambang Subiantoro | Attendance | |
9 | Bambang Suprihadi | Attendance | |
10 | Budi Harjo | Attendance | |
11 | Christian Bachtiar | Attendance | |
12 | Denny Iswanto | Attendance | |
13 | Dicky Angkoso | Attendance | |
14 | Dwi Hari Chayono | Attendance | |
15 | Eko Mardianto | Attendance | |
16 | Elfian Efendie | Attendance | |
17 | Elies Nadhifah | Attendance | |
18 | Eliya Ningsih | Attendance | |
19 | Ely Sulyana | Attendance | |
20 | Evie Limantono | Attendance | |
21 | F. Yoseph Ruddy | Attendance | |
22 | Faizal Azhari | Attendance | |
23 | Firdaus Pakpahan | Attendance | |
24 | Foura Marthanika | Attendance | |
25 | G. Sugihartono | Attendance | |
26 | Hanna Widjaja | Attendance | |
27 | Hari Sutekno Tan | Attendance | |
28 | Hartono | Attendance | |
29 | Haryono | Attendance | |
30 | Hendra Akhirul Putra | Attendance | |
31 | Hermawan Tedjopurnomo | Attendance | |
32 | I Gede Sujaya | Attendance | |
33 | I Gede Wiyasa | Attendance | |
34 | Isyee Christiana | Attendance | |
35 | J. Bambang Sutedjo | Attendance | |
36 | J. Lina Dewi | Attendance | |
37 | Johannes K. | Attendance | |
38 | Laureen Kusuma Dewi | Attendance | |
39 | Linawati | Attendance | |
40 | M. Yanto | Attendance | |
41 | M. Yasin | Attendance | |
42 | Marina Nofila Sari | Attendance | |
43 | Martin Leksmono | Attendance | |
44 | Martono | Attendance | |
45 | Mona Lystiani | Attendance | |
46 | Mulyati Kusumaningrum | Attendance | |
47 | Ni Wayan Dewi Artuti | Attendance | |
48 | Pranoto Supardi | Attendance | |
49 | Pungky Pramita Sari | Attendance | |
50 | Rickyanto Limarno | Attendance | |
51 | Rita Martini | Attendance | |
52 | Roedy Kashawan | Attendance | |
53 | Rudi Hermanto | Attendance | |
54 | Rudy Hartanto W. | Attendance | |
55 | Sandra Lina | Attendance | |
56 | Sendjaja Kusuma | Attendance | |
57 | Soehartoto | Attendance | |
58 | Sonny Christina | Attendance | |
59 | Soofia Ningsih | Attendance | |
60 | Sri Laksmi | Attendance | |
61 | Stanley J.D. | Attendance | |
62 | Sulisman | Attendance | |
63 | Tando Ludharna | Attendance | |
64 | Theresia Herlina | Attendance | |
65 | Tjen Bie | Attendance | |
66 | Wayan Yosep S. | Attendance | |
67 | Willy Soeganda | Attendance | |
68 | Wong Agus | Attendance | |
69 | Yessy Mardhiana | Attendance | |
70 | Yogi Krisna | Attendance | |
71 | Yunita Ongkowijoyo | Attendance |