Batch | 1 |
Venue | - |
Date | 19 Nov 2021 - 26 Nov 2021 |
Certificate | Certificate of Attendance |

No | Name | Recruitment | Grade of Achievement |
1 | ADHAINUL DALIMUNTHE | Attendance | |
2 | AGUNG FILUDIN | Attendance | |
3 | AKMAL BURHANUDDIN | Attendance | |
4 | AMINUDDIN | Attendance | |
5 | BERLIANTO HARIS | Attendance | |
6 | ELVIN TRI SAPUTRA | Attendance | |
7 | ERWAN PURWIDIANTO | Attendance | |
8 | HOTAMAWATY | Attendance | |
9 | MARFUATUL MUKAROMAH | Attendance | |
10 | MARINA GARDENIA | Attendance | |
11 | PUJIADI WIDODO | Attendance | |
12 | RENE INDRA NUGRAHA | Attendance | |
13 | RINI KURNIASARI | Attendance | |
14 | RUDI RINALDI PRATAMA | Attendance | |
15 | RULLY RAHADIAN PAHLEVY | Attendance | |
16 | S GILANG SUKMAKENCANA | Attendance | |
17 | SEPTIAN HADINATA | Attendance | |
18 | SIGIT SOERYA PUTRA | Attendance | |
19 | SITI MAESYAROH | Attendance | |
20 | SYAMSUL AIDI BACHTIAR | Attendance | |
21 | SYSKA RATNA YUSHINTA | Attendance | |
22 | TRI AMBARWATI | Attendance | |
23 | YANOMAN FERNANDO PURBA | Attendance | |
24 | YOGI HERDIYANA | Attendance |